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EPA Finalizes Nationwide Electronic Reporting Rule for Stormwater Permits

In September, 2015 the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized a nationwide rule that requires construction site operators to submit certain National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) stormwater permit documentation to their permitting authorities using an electronic reporting tool, instead of filing paper. The new rule requires states to share these data with EPA, along with government-administered inspection and enforcement results. EPA currently plans to make these data available to the public through its publicly-accessible Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) website. Contractors should expect to see new electronic reporting requirements added to their federal/state stormwater permits when they are reissued.

More Information on Electronic Reporting for Federal and State NPDES Permits

  • AGC article that explains USEPA’s new national NPDES e-Reporting rule.

  • Sept. 9, 2016 Federal Register notice. USEPA published notice that GA, NE, OR and RI have decided that all NPDES data will go to EPA (as the initial recipient) - meaning contractors will need to use EPA’s NetDMR and NeT tools. NC has designed EPA as the initial recipient of waiver data only. DMR e-reporting deadline is Dec. 21, 2016. NOI, NOT, waiver e-reporting deadline is Dec. 21, 2020. States will modify their CGPs upon reissuance to implement eReporting requirements (but perhaps sooner to meet federal deadlines).

  • Powerpoint file that cover basics on new eReporting rule.